Sunday 13 September 2015



"Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able" (Luke 13:24 ESV).

"If wishes are horses, beggars will ride" according to a wise man. Heaven is a DESTINATION every one desires to be. It is a place every man wishes to go and spend their eternity. But the truth is that, no matter the amount of groaning, striving, wishes, tears, everybody will not make heaven. It is a place recommended for everybody, but it is a place everybody will not make.

Jesus urged us to strive, do all our we can, make every effort to enter through the narrow, difficult or strait gate; and to walk through the difficult road that leads to heaven so that we can be among the few that will go to Heaven, a Glorious abode of the saint. As the saying goes; "he who laugh last, laughs best". Although we might be crying now, we might be mocked now, there is assurance of a glorious eternity where we will relax and rejoice till the end of ages.

Brethren, this is another avenue to check your ways; and another opportunity to evaluate your life. The way of the Cross is every man's desire, do not be ashamed to enter through the gate and walk through the road. You can still be among the few people that will make heaven. The greatest and most important destiny fulfillment is making it to Heaven. Strive to be there!

O lord, give me the grace that will help me to make it. Give me the courage to drop all the loads that will derail me from the path.

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