Tuesday 17 July 2012



This is a story of the Palm tree, God and a nation. When God created the Palm tree, He saw it was very good. And He was very pleased with it. However the Palm tree thought otherwise and decided to let God know about how he felt. The Palm tree didn’t like the way God created him so he went complaining to God and vented out his feelings. This is the conversation they had;
The Palm tree started by saying: “Dear God, why do I have as many as 2,600 species? It’s hilarious and ludicrous! Why can’t I just be one of a kind, just one type of me? And how come you made me so gigantic and grotesque? Other trees laugh at the way I stand shoulders above them with my bare and not so good-looking trunk.  My evergreen or immortal leaves are not like the leaves of other trees that have different shades in different seasons. Why? God why did you make me so different from them? Why do they despise me so? They are always looking for ways of making me look bad and they constantly say dissenting things about me. I hate the way I look! I also don’t like the way I bend and sway with every wind that blows my way. Why for heaven’s sake did you make me so unattractive?”
God didn’t reply immediately. He said nothing for about five minutes but it seemed like forever to the Palm tree. When God finally spoke He said “My dear Palm tree you are asking me the wrong questions.”
“So what kind of questions should I be asking?” said the Palm tree in a furious and frustrated tone.
“What is my assignment to be? What is the purpose for which you created me? How am I to fulfill my destiny on earth? These are the questions you should be asking Me.” said God.
“OK, God please would you be so kind as to answer those questions? I’d really love to hear what you have to say.” said the Palm tree with an attitude.
And this is what God said “There is a nation that I have created that I will one day direct to use you as a similitude for its existence.  In fact you already sound like them with your complaints. I love variety that’s why you have many species – over 2,600 in number. Like you, the nation in question also has many ethnic groups, over 300 in number and many languages, over 400 in number. They are one of the most fascinating, enthralling, jollification loving and exciting people you’ll ever meet. There is never a dull moment in this nation! And I mean NEVER!  I want the citizens of this nation to understand that I made them a nation of nations. And it is in their diversity that they will discover their strengths.” Your evergreen leaves speak of your exuberance, buoyancy and vivacity.”
Like you, the citizens of this nation are energetic, warm and friendly. They are full of life and sturdiness. It is an engaging society! I made them to be one of the most optimistic and happiest people in the world. I equipped them with a great sense of humour to help them deal with the numerous challenges that come their way. And funny enough they think it’s a problem.”
Do you know why you bend and sway as the winds blow your way? I made you strong, hardy, and elastic, that’s why when the winds blow you bend and sway without breaking unlike some other trees. The winds have made you strong and hardy. No matter the winds that may blow your way you won’t break under its pressure. Even the hurricane winds have been humbled by your resilience! Don’t you think that is something you should be proud of? Perhaps you didn’t know, you were designed in such a way that you will flourish in all kinds of adverse conditions.” Like you, the people of this nation are tough, resilient, resourceful, and creative. They are tough minded, they have the never-say-die attitude. And nothing can ever break their indomitable spirit. They have successfully humbled problems, challenges, crisis, chaos and confusion by their resilience! In challenging and adverse conditions they don’t crack under pressure. This nation always finds a way to bounce back from the oblique. It is a comeback nation!” I didn’t make you unattractive and ugly, it is a figment of your imagination! I made you tall, stately and elegant, with an exotic and striking appearance.  I created you to be the image of vacations and the stereotypical tropical island paradise. You may not have realized it but I made you one of a kind that why you are the Prince of the Plant Kingdom. I made you beautiful!” Like you, this nation has exotic tourist attractions begging to be discovered. And once developed they will end up becoming some of the world’s greatest tourist attractions. Like you, this nation will stand tall like a giant shoulder above every other nation of the world.” I made you special really special. You are useful and fruitful. You are the most useful plant in the universe. You are of great economic importance to many people. Your fruit is eaten daily by millions around the world especially the Arabs. Every part of you is useful. Over 300 products can be made from you. Isn’t that awesome!  That is why you are the envy of other trees. I created you to be a WONDER tree.” Like you, I have blessed this nation with abundant mineral and human resources. Every state in this nation has at least one mineral resource. Its human capital is highly resourceful. It is absolutely INCREDIBLE! I have blessed them with an abundance of CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE that will help them build the WONDER of WONDERS! They will use their creativity to give the world powerful breakthrough ideas and products that will innovatively solve problems for many people in different countries in the global village.
You are a religious tree. Do you realize that you are mentioned over 20 times each in the Quran and the Bible? I know the nation in question will love that about you. The men and women of this nation will be able to identify with you in this area,” Like you, this nation’s citizens are extremely religious. There is a church or a mosque in almost every street corner. At one time they are named the most religious people in the world?” I made you an oil producing tree.” Like you, this nation is an oil producing nation. Its oil represents a flow of abundance of blessings I will bring their way which every citizen of this nation will soon enjoy. Like you, this nation is also a figure of HOPE to many developing nations.
When I think of you I think of this nation. And when I think of this nation I think of you. Isn’t that revealing?” Your purpose on planet earth is to be a emblem of HOPE to the citizens of this nation. They are almost giving up hope.” Like you, they complain about their nation nonstop. I want them to see what I see in them. I want them to focus on their strengths and not on their weakness.  I want them to use what I have given them to build THE 8TH WONDER in their nation!”
After a long period of silence and thoughtful reflection, the Palm tree found ‘his’ voice and ‘he’ asked God, “What is the name of this nation?” “I am referring to that great nation, NIGERIA! And the interesting thing is that they don’t even seem to know what I have installed for them. My desire is for them to unleash their GREATNESS and enter their PROMISEDLAND. I want Nigerians to use you as a reference point for focusing on their STRENGTHS, ASSETS, and the GOOD THINGS about themselves. They must build on their strengths, that’s how great nations are built.
Please tell them all these things that I have told you.” In a sober voice the Palm tree said to God “I am so sorry for complaining and my bad attitude. Please forgive me. And thank you for unveiling to me my life purpose. I want you to know that I have a better appreciation for my creation and I appreciate it. You want Nigeria to flourish just like me – the Palm tree. I just thought of three slogans that I think will work for a campaign for a GREAT NEW NIGERIA. The slogans are ‘Nigeria is flourishing like a Palm tree.’ ‘Nigerians are flourishing like a Palm tree.’ ‘Think NIGERIA, think PALM TREE!’ God said “The slogans sound great. So, now that you know your purpose get on with the job and let Nigerians know so that they can see themselves and their situation differently! I’ve got work for them to do. I have given them the assignment of building THE 8TH WONDER of the world, first in Nigeria, then in other African nations and Third world countries. And they can only do it with this new perception of themselves. Please tell them to GO, BUILD and WOW the world!” And the Palm tree replied “Thanks God, I’m already running with the vision. I’ll be back daily to get ideas from you on how to help build NIGERIA into THE 8TH WONDER of the world! Thanks again! See you later. YOU’RE THE GREATEST!”
Note: Everywhere you see “this nation” replace it with NIGERIA. Does it motivate you? Does it inspire you? Does it make you feel proud? Does it give you hope? Does it make you believe in a GREAT NEW NIGERIA? Do you feel like running with it? I sure hope so! NOW GET TO WORK, BUILD the NEW AND GREAT NIGERIA of our DREAMS! A NATION OF EMULATION!
With reference from an article
   AJAMU, Gabriel Ifeoluwa

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